A welcome letter to new employee gets them excited for their first day, prepares them for orientation and gives necessary first-day info. It should be personal, with specific reasons why they were hired. These are also called new employee orientation letters. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.
Date: DD/MM/YY New Employee name… Job Designation… Department name… Company/Institute name… Sub: Welcome Letter! Dear [employee name], Congratulations, and welcome to our team. You were our final choice of [number of applicants for the position] applicants. (Describe in your words). We chose you because [name particular skills/abilities/attributes that the applicant possesses]. We’re looking forward to seeing you on [date] at [time] for your [orientation/training/first day of work]. (Describe on orientation or other program rules and regulations). When you arrive, ask for [employee heading up] who will be [leading your supervising you today]. Be sure to bring [list anything they should bring, lunch, special equipment, pen, and paper, etc.]. (Explain all about the situation). Also, you’ll want to wear [let them know how to dress, if they’ll need anything special, official/formal]. (Describe your requirements). During your first day, you can expect to [give them a general outline of what they’ll be doing]. Again, Welcome and Good luck! Regards, Your name… Job Designation… Contact Info. and signature…
Another Format
Date: DD/MM/YY New Employee name… Job Designation… Department name… Company/Institute name… Sub: Welcome Letter! Dear (Name), Congratulations, and welcome to our team. You were our final choice of (number) applicants. We chose you because of your willingness to work with (Job specification) and apparent lack of self-preservation instinct. (Describe in your words). We’re looking forward to seeing you on (Date) at (Time) for your training. When you arrive, ask for (Higher authority name), who will be leading your training. Be sure to bring donuts and lunch. (Describe all about rules and regulations) Also, you’ll want to wear a tie and something that will be comfortable under a suit. (As company dress policy). During your first day, you can expect to handle (Job responsibilities), and be responsible for the safety and well being of the entire population of (Area/department name) Good luck! Your name… Job Designation… Contact Info. and signature…