Uber-U Education Technology for Global Connections

by Anup Maurya


The 21st century’s learning environment has been characterized by the increased utilization of internet-connected platforms like Skype, Twitter, or even Google Hangouts among others that connect individuals across the globe. These learning environments utilize an Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) system where instructors provide materials to students who arethen being expected to complete tests on their own The study offers an even more sophisticated setting specifically, Uber-U learners earn Google Android nanodegree among other different credentials through individual interactions with international instructors in problem-solving sessions. Android features taught by the platform might not be offered in any other educational institution. In this article the company behind the platform believes that this method is vital. It has significantly influenced the business and society in various ways, as will be explained later.

The Importance of Uber-U

In an interview that was conducted during 2012 Sebastian Thrun, Uber-U’s chief executive officer, gave the full explanation of the reasons why the new pattern (Uber-U) was significant and particularly when considering the rapid change occurring not only in the realm of education, as well as other fields. First of all, in the example of Mike as a student from an unknown place and an instructor from Chicago It is evident that Uber-U is a global platform that is accessible to students across the globe via an app that can be downloaded to their smartphones or personal computers. It is an improved model that follows the MOOC structure as learners like Mike have the chance to meet one-on-one with tutors that are certified. Students are able to ask questions about the specific courses or studies they are taking along with specific and supervised methods of handling these tasks in real time. Uber-U is a departure from the old-fashioned methods which require learners to pay attention to their instructors while they give class materials prior to exams or assignments for tests are handed out to determine the level of their understanding. The CEO of the company reveals, Uber-U emphasizes the “doing” aspect over “listening” since the latter can’t be used to judge whether students have understood the information they are given.

Furthermore, Uber-U is founded on the realization that students from across the globe face unique academic requirements, for some of which they would like to have immediate solutions regardless of duration of their respective locations. When using the MOOC model, teachers may be unavailable or unwilling to assist, especially in the case of a student who is struggling with one or two tasks assigned. In the traditional model, a student has to work on his own before receiving a grade after the task is assigned. Sebastian Thrun believes that instructors use tools to make sure that students complete their courses in a way that is competent to handle the assignments. Thus, Uber-U allows students to collaborate with tutors in every stage of problem solving. Thus, students who are successful in Uber-U-based sessions are likely to perform better when compared to those who follow MOOC or other traditional learning methods. MOOC framework or any other traditional learning techniques.

Influence on Business and Society

Modern learning institutions accept students who must pay a specific sum of cash and amount of time to complete their chosen courses. They are not assured that they will comprehend the course material and are not guaranteed of passing their exams or even gaining benefits of the course after completing their term. Although these financial and time resources are typically expensive in nearly all schools and universities prospective students could be faced with no other option other than to stop their studies. From a business standpoint it is important to note that when the cost of services are expensive or if they take customers a longer time to get access to them, the use of these services decreases, thereby impacting the profitability of suppliers. Thus, despite it being a brand new educational opportunity that was launched in 2012 Uber-U is a highly promising program for learning that is centered around students and is expected to bring in many more students. The company is generating enormous returns, despite affordable prices, its competitors have seen a sluggish return following the loss of customers. The fact that it is competitive and not exclusive of Uber-U makes it an effective competitor in the education industry globally. With regard to its non-excludable feature it is important to know that a few of the current educational centers accept students who’s are within a particular age limit or who can pay the necessary amount of charges. Additionally, they are reasonably pricey, Uber-U accommodates learners of any age and in all professions with the exception of some professions such as violin and tennis in which individual participation is essential.

From a social perspective, Uber-U acknowledges the fact that some people in the community are left out of opportunities due to their age or income doesn’t permit them to participate at traditional educational institutions despite their potential. It is widely believed to have a vast amount of gifted people who would be employed by famous firms like Google in the event that they were exposed to this affordable and effective teaching method. According to the CEO’s viewpoint, Google will soon be hosting a conference in which top performing techs from Uber-U will have the opportunity to interact with senior employees within the company. Uber-U is helping a lot of individuals, and some have been hired due to the certificates and hands-on experiences gained. Uber-U’s ongoing operation is expected transform the world by making sure that people who are not able to be accommodated through other programs receive a high-quality and a worthy education.


Students who enroll on Uber-U will be able to comprehend the best way to handle the assignments they have to complete since they are engaged in the process of tackling them with the guidance of their tutors and guidance, in contrast to conventional approaches where instructors aren’t keen to follow up to see if students are able to comprehend the course material. In this article the platform will influence the businesses and society.

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