The effects on Children Modern Technology on Children

by Anup Maurya


The rapid growth of technology has diverse consequences, with positive as well as negative effects of technology. For instance, the emergence of mobile devices has improved life in a significant way, but in the same way it has also caused psychologists’ worries about the users’ dependence on their devices. For young children the issue of the effects of technology is critical because, from a young age the child isn’t able to establish a set of beliefs and values and is unable to make choices on his own.

This can increase the severity of impact and can lead to mental disorders. But, in the event of appropriate usage, the latest technology can be useful in terms of social and cognitive development. Based on real-world instances, the impact of the latest technology affects children’s development will be assessed.

The value of technology from an aesthetic perspective

For children, access to the latest technology is a factor that can be read in a different way. On one hand as Crawford and colleagues. note that the most significant issue is distraction. negative aspect since excessive excitement for electronic devices doesn’t let a child concentrate on other activities (974). On the other hand the authors stress that by making use of appropriate technology teachers and parents are able to coordinate their learning and teach children how to utilize specific devices with positive effects (Crawford and colleagues. 959). For instance the researchers suggest observing nature as a fascinating task (Crawford and co. 959).

This background of aesthetics is an important aspect of the cognitive development. When they reach the age of growing older, children may not be able to comprehend all the peculiarities within the human world. Thus, Crawford and co. suggest that we focus on specific apps that allow children to learn about nature and not lose precious time (959). Therefore, creating the conditions for growth is achievable through the use of technology that aid in the process of raising and education , and while at the same time create interest among the audience you want to reach.

Health Benefits

Despite the possibility of separating children from the natural social and cognitive development the use of modern technology is helpful in the context of health care. Utilizing the right achievements in medicine can open up huge possibilities for prevention and treatment of various issues. Gulay Ogelman et al. present mobile apps that are useful tools for children with hearing difficulties and highlight that they are useful communications tools (169).

Furthermore the authors suggest that these digital programs could assist a child to restore injured body functions and provide mechanisms to regulate both cognitive and physical development (Gulay Ogelman and co. 177). For the medical industry this is significant and the diffusion of these necessary advancements in the field of healthcare is a critical job. This is why technology should not be viewed only in terms of negative consequences and elements that can hinder children’s growth.


In evaluating the impact of technology on the development of children and development, it is possible to say that, in addition to the negative aspects, such as and addiction or distraction There are some positive aspects. The opportunity to offer children the chance to explore the environment with efficient and appropriate programs allows the parents as well as teachers to increase the educational quality. In the realm of health, technological advancements can also play an important role. The development of digital technologies to recover lost body functions and to maintain normal communication for children who have disabilities is an impressive argument for the appropriate utilization of technology.

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