Stem Cell Debate: Advantages and Disadvantages of Stem Cell Technology

by Anup Maurya


One of the longest debates in the area of biology is concerning stem cells. They are undifferentiated cells which are able to differentiate into different kinds. They are typically found in multi-cellular animal, these in mammals belong to two distinct types. The first are embryonic stem cells which are derived from blastulas of the placental mammal where the cells undergo differentiation (Willerth 2017). The second type are adult stem cells which can be found in a variety of body tissues. Stem cells play an essential function in the body since they assist in repairing tissues and replenishing worn out ones.

In recent years the field of embryonic stem cells studies has often been the focus of heated debates and a myriad of disagreements among scientists. The controversy surrounding stem cells centers on the destruction and use of embryos. The research has proven that stem cells within embryos in development often develop into various specific cells, aswell in maintaining the amount of living organs, which include blood and skin. In humans, stem cells are usually taken from bone marrow, the adipose tissues, and blood from the umbilical cord (Knoepfler (2013)). The opponents of stem cells argue that stem cells should be avoided since the destruction of the embryo that is life-giving is not any different from abortion, but the advocates of stem cells claim that embryos cannot be compared with human life, which is susceptible to various dangerous illnesses.


In the past the stem cells are utilized in various medical research studies to find solutions to some of the diseases that have troubled people for quite a while. Additionally that, stem cells have utilized in the treatment for various ailments, including physical injuries and genetic diseases. The stem cell technology was invented to exploit the capacity to differentiate into various types of cells, and also to repair damaged tissues (Danquah Mahato and Danquah 2013). Research on stem cells has been the subject of much controversy due to concerns centered about the absence of limitations in research , as well as the sociological aspects of the research (Willerth 2017,). Furthermore, the advocates and critics of stem cell research have been unable to reach a consensus on the necessity destruction of the embryo in order to save the lives of a lot of patients. The issue is the worth of the life lost to the destruction. From a social point of view stem cell research has been criticised for the way in which it has affected women’s status. The critics of stem cell research say that scientists use the ova of women in their research as demeaning (Knoepfler 2013). Over time various societies around the globe have formed a negative opinion of women due to the manner in which stem research has claimed to take advantage of the women’s ovarian tissue.

Religion is an integral element in the foundation of every society around the globe. In the past it also has been an important point of reference in the debates between both sides on stem cell research as shown through the actions taken by the two former American leaders, George W Bush, and Barrack Obama. In his time of office, Bush was president. Bush barred the use of federal resources to the federal government for the development of novel stem cells due to the fact that in a spiritual point perspective, he believed that life is an incredibly precious gift that should be honored and secured. The president who succeeded him president, President Obama was of a different opinion in the matter, and showed his belief in the stem cell research by rescinding the ban. According to the President’s view which was in turn influenced by his religion humans have the moral obligation of taking care of each other and taking every effort to promote the common good.

Stem cell advocates believe it isn’t morally wrong to take away one’s life to alleviate pain for millions of humans who would have passed away prematurely because of incurable illnesses. They also argue that one of the primary thing to be considered and adhere to when using stem cell technology is to exercise the highest degree of accountability. Although there have been attempts to resolve the shortcomings regarding stem cell research, as pointed by opponents however, research has revealed that they fall far below the accepted standards, and more investigation is needed (Knoepfler 2013, 2013). One of the most common strategies tested is altered nuclear transfer that allows embryonic stem cells harvested without the need to create an embryo. Another technique that has been extensively used is blastomere extraction that permits embryonic stem cells extracted from an embryo that is two days old and does not ultimately end up being destroyed (Bhattacharya and Stubblefield, 2014).

Through the years the concept that stem cells are a viable option has been extensively studied to prove their effectiveness in the treatment of various chronic illnesses. However, the slow rate regarding any meaningful advances has been caused due to the controversy that has been generated by abortion-related politics. The advocates of stem cell research consider it to be an answer to the ongoing problem of ineffective drugs (Sidhu 2013,). Stem cell technology has the potential to make the amount of failures that occur when developing drugs is significantly decreased. Furthermore, stem cell is crucial in the resolution of issues like the removal of medicines from the market due to isn’t delivering the desired outcomes or has dangerous adverse side consequences. The critics to stem cells have given more weight to the prolife movement around the globe because of their constant concern about the embryo which is destroyed when it is still in the embryonic stage to help save other lives (Knoepfler 2013).

The supporters defend their claim by asserting that the embryos utilized in stem cell research are those which would have been rejected and given the chance to thrive within our bodies (Sidhu 2013). Furthermore, their assertions have been backed by medical experts who claim the stem cell research has the potential to significantly alter the way that patients regarding certain illnesses because effective treatments can be created. While the stem cell research has demonstrated immense potential for the development of the medical field however, it is crucial to address all ethical issues related to it to be addressed order to ensure that it is more appealing to those likely to benefit from it (Lanza and Atala, 2013). It is a relatively new technology, experts claim that the acceptance and acceptance of this technology is largely dependent on how it is promoted.

Benefits from Stem Cell Technology

Research has proven the stem cell research offers many advantages in the medical field for the development of effective medicines and increasing the efficiency of medical procedures like organ transplants. Research on stem cells also offers significant benefits in increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic cloning and regenerative medical. It is largely used to find a cure different diseases, including cancer, schizophrenia or diabetes, as well as spinal cord injuries, among other. Another benefit of stem cell technology is that it assists scientists to better understand the growth of cells in the body of a human (Sidhu 2013). The development is being called medical technology’s future since it could increase the chances of treating different diseases by transplanting organs that have been grown in labs using stem cells. Stem cell technology can also be beneficial because it can enhance the efficacy of medicines because animals aren’t required for testing the majority of medications that are intended for human use. In particular, testing the potential drug using this technique mimics the actual effect drugs have on a particular type of cell in human bodies. Studies have shown that stem cells have reduced the error margin with regards to the effectiveness of drugs as compared to tests are performed with animals (Willerth 2017).

Stem cell technology is also playing an important role in understanding the development stages of various tissues and cells that are hard to understand inside an human embryo. It has also reduced the obstacles that come with these studies, including the birth defect, fertility issues and miscarriages, among other. Through stem cell technology, healthcare professionals have gained a better understanding of the development and structure of cells in the body and have improved the treatment and prevention of the above-mentioned issues (AL-Rubeai and Naciri, 2013).

Another significant advantage of using stem cells is that it can improve the patient experience. Adult stem cells from patients can be used to treat any condition, which can improve your speed to recover since it is impossible for a body to eliminate the cells it has created. Furthermore the fact that embryonic stem cells are able to be transformed into any kind of cell increases the effectiveness of treatment as the matching will be flawless. The research has proven that stem cell therapies are extremely effective in relation to speedy reduction of symptoms associated with disease after treatment has begun (Knoepfler 2013). This is a crucial factor in reducing the amount of medicines the patient must undergo to recuperate.

Advantages and disadvantages from Stem Cell Technology

There are many reasons for why stem cell research should be resisted as one method to advance the field of medicine. Although it is widely acknowledged as being crucial but critics of this technique claim that it is unprofessional to ignore the risks that it entails rather than dismissing their views as irrelevant. According to those who oppose stem cells one of the main drawbacks to this method is that it involves blastocysts being destroyed that originated from the human egg (Lanza and Atala, 2013,). The arguments they make originate from religion convictions and ethical principles. They believe that life begins when you are born and the destruction of laboratory-created human eggs is un-ethical and infuriating. Another major drawback for stem cell research that there is little information about the results of this technique.

According to those who oppose stem cells, it’s ethical for medical professionals to continue using this technique on patients if they don’t be aware of the various effects it is likely to cause on their body (Connon and Hamley 2014). This goes against the moral principles of medical practice in making sure that patients are safe. As an example some stem cell therapy procedures require suppression of the patient’s immune system to enable transplantation of the cells for transplant. This could result in the patient experiencing serious health issues when the suppression isn’t performed in a proper manner.

Another issue with investing too much resources into this technique is embryonic stem cells are unable to offer a long-lasting solution to every disease. This limitation is caused by the fact that it’s not feasible to harvest adult stem cells of different patients with the same outcome (Danquah and Mahato 2013). The reason behind this is adult stem cells generally exhibit a lower degree of differentiation relative the embryonic stem cell. Additionally the high chance that adult stem cells will develop a range of genetically related disorders during the stages of development, thereby making them less effective when they are treated.

According to studies the adult stem cells are ineffective in treatment since they are specifically designed for differentiation in which case blood stem cells produce blood, whereas brain cells are created out of embryonic stem cells of the brain (Connon and Hamley 2014). Another drawback to stem cell therapy is the fact that it exposes patients to health problems dependent on the type of treatment that is administered. Research has proven this fact: stem cell treatment to treat cardiovascular disorders frequently creates more difficulties for patients because coronary arteries are shorter than normal (Oliva 2014). This issue is directly related to the growth of tumors following transplantation. According to critics of stem cells, this is an enormous risk for patients’ safety since it can cause an increase in suffering.


The long-running debate about stem technology for stem cells isn’t ending if the arguments presented from both parties are taken into account. It is vital to recognize that the advancement of technology for stem cells as well as continuing research on the subject is crucial in the realm of science. From the perspective of both proponents and critics of stem cell technologies, it’s evident that the benefits overshadow the disadvantages by a substantial margin. Although it is crucial to be aware of the views expressed by those who oppose it It is right to acknowledge stem cells are currently the technology of the future for healthcare and that the investments that are being made to improve it are likely to pay off in the days ahead. Sometimes, it is necessary to view things from a different perspective from the one embraced by religious groupsbecause they are different in their beliefs however, a disease will not pick a victim by religious beliefs. In all likelihood it is a fact that life is sacred and every human being has the obligation to safeguard the sacredness of life from being lost. In light of the fact that human beings are bound by the moral obligation of taking care of one another by decreasing the suffering by advancing stem cell technology is a smart choice that every person should take into consideration.

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