Solar Photovoltaic Power as Advanced Technology

by Anup Maurya

In the past the consumption of energy by individuals across the globe has increased. It is anticipated in 2040 that consumption will increase by over 50% compared to the 2010 levels (Aman and co. 2015, page. 1191). Furthermore, many of the sources of energy we utilize are damaging to the environment as evidenced by the fact that they cause climate change (Creutzig and others. 2017, and McCright (2016)). Therefore, the search for and the transition to more advanced technology for energy that is eco-friendly and sustainable is on the way.

One of the possibilities that have been suggested as a substitute for most commonly used sources of energy (mostly the fossil oil and other fossil fuels) includes solar power. The paper below will provide an overview on photovoltaic (PV) solar power an energy source with a focus upon its characteristics, benefits of and disadvantages, as well as its future and current usage. Based on the information presented it is possible to conclude that solar PV power is a viable energy source that is a viable alternative to the fossil fuels but there are some drawbacks and a variety of limitations, could hinder the use of PV solar power in the near future.

A Definition

Simply put solar power is using “thermal radiation produced through the solar rays” to meet the various energy requirements of human beings (Aman and co. 2015, page. 1191). The current paper focuses on the creation of energy through the use of PV solar power. it doesn’t consider different applications for providing greater coverage of this technique. The main reason PV is chosen is because PV is by far the most commonly used method of producing solar energy (Aman and co. (2015); Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). Since its usage has been growing (International Energy Agency, 2019,) so the selection of this topic is logical.

The process of PV uses various devices, which vary in terms of complexity and material. They all share the purpose of converting solar thermal sunlight into electric energy (Aman and al. (2015); Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016 Mahela & Shaik 2017). According to Aman and others. (2015) according to Aman et al. (2015), it is the most popular method to utilize solar PV panels made of silicon. But as the field progresses new alternatives with better properties are emerging and could be popular in the near future due to their efficiency and lower cost (Espinosa, Laurent, Benatto, Hosel, & Krebs (2016); Mahela & Shaik, 2017). Different techniques for production of PV cells are also available with benefits and drawbacks. For instance the monocrystalline cell is very efficient, but it’s more costly than the polycrystalline one and is less effective in converting solar energy (Aman and co. (2015); Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). Also PV research is innovating new ways of energy production and its range of options can be adapted to the specific needs of the particular customer.


The benefits of solar energy are diverse. One of the main advantages is the fact that it is renewable. it doesn’t require the extraction of limited resources, and that is why it can be utilized as an option for a long-term solution (Sampaio and Gonzalez 2017). Additionally, solar power is free of many of the disadvantages of fossil fuels. Particularly it has lower carbon emissions and it doesn’t require that you consume water when operating as is a standard necessity for conventional plans as well as several renewable energy systems (Aman and co. (2015); Li, Bian, Liu, Zhang, & Yang in 2015). These results are crucial because carbon emissions are linked to climate change. Additionally water shortages are an incredibly common problem throughout the world.

PV cells are relatively small in demands on land and are not a major cause of changes to the landscape. Even the acquisition of PV-related materials will not require significant changes of the landscape as the devices rely on silicon (Aman and co. 2015; Li et al. 2015). Additionally PV cells do not generate noise pollution and silicon, in addition to the other elements of PV cells, are able to be recycled (Aman and co. 2015). In short PV cells are quite durable (Sampaio and Gonzalez 2017, Wiser and co. 2016,) especially in comparison to fossil fuels.

Additionally solar power isn’t the most expensive option and prices for PV are falling. Today, PV alternatives are made using relatively low-cost materials (Aman and al. 2015; Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). Due to their increasing popularity and the advancements in the field of related research PV cells are likely to be even more affordable and accessible, particularly in countries with high-end technology (Aman and co. (2015)). In addition, the lower-cost models for PV cell are getting more efficient (Aman and al. (2015); Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). In comparison to fossil fuels and other green energy options, PV’s return percentage is very impressive (Aman and al. (2015); Li et al. (2015)). In addition, PV systems are also quite quick to design and build (Li and al. 2015). In general, PV cells offer distinct advantages when compared to other energy sources however, they do have some significant disadvantages.


Although they are regarded as eco-friendly as a method that produces energy, solar cells require manufacturing , which is detrimental on the earth. Particularly PV cell manufacturing leads to the disposal of waste, along with other dangerous substances (Aman and others. 2015). Furthermore, their production even though it is cheaper today, still requires substantial amounts of energy and money (Kannan and Vakeesan in 2016; Li et al. (2015)). Also, some aspects of the production of PV cells require refinement, but the majority of these problems are easily solved.

Although they do not require a lot in terms of area, solar cells require some land and even more is needed for larger-scale farms that could produce lots of energy for specific requirements (Aman and others. (2015)). Therefore, the deployment of PV cells in high density regions can be complicated and expensive based on land costs. Additionally, maintaining the installed PV cells might require the use of certain chemicals, which may cause contamination (Aman and co. (2015)). There are, of course, ways to solve this issue however, it remains an hazard to the environment. Additionally, although PV cell silicon could recycle, the procedure to achieve this is not yet established (Aman and al. (2015)). The used PV cells could represent hazardous waste, for instance due to the silver they contain (Aman and al. (2015); Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016). In sum, the deployment as well as decommissioning PV cells is subject to significant difficulties and also.

A final note about the effectiveness of PV cells needs to be included. Low-value PV devices are among technologies that offer the fastest energy return, but this is not the case for high-value PV cells, as they are slow to repay the energy utilized to create them (Aman and others. 2015). Also PV devices consume an enormous amount of energy particularly when compared with hydropower devices, which raises the chance that PV power will impact the environment in negative ways. Furthermore PV cells, and various other sources of renewable energy are affected by the weather (Li et and. 2015) that could decrease their effectiveness.

The most common conclusion to draw by studying review of comparative studies on renewable sources of energy is that almost each approach has its advantages and drawbacks, aswell being exclusionary conditions. In this regard solar PV isn’t the only one of them (Li and co. 2015). Therefore PV is an option alternative that’s superior to other options, however it requires some adjustments before it can be considered 100% environmentally-safe and also its efficiency could be increased.

Future and Current Utilization

In recent decades, the use to solar power has increased. But, it’s not the most sought-after solution to the problem of energy (Kannan & Vakeesan, 2016; Li et al. (2015)). It is reported by the International Energy Agency (2019) states that the use of solar energy has increased, and at current rates they could reach the goals and forecasts established by the agency’s Sustainable Development Scenario (see Figure 1.). It appears that solar power is growing in popularity at an unprecedented rate, which is higher than those of other strategies for energy production (Creutzig and co. 2017). Thus, it is reasonable to expect solar power will continue to be utilized in the near future. In all, it is a source of significant advantages, and its present disadvantages are being addressed by the efforts of research and development (Aman and co. (2015)). But solar energy is utilized to lesser degree than other sources of renewable energy particularly wind and geothermal energy, as well as bioenergy (see Figure 2.).

It is worth noting that the power of solar energy was estimated to be greater than the energy requirements of the inhabitants of Earth (Aman et al. 2015, p. 1191). In theory, the complete shift to solar power could give the Earth the energy we require. Since the demand for energy is increasing and this trend could alter, however, and many factors can hinder the use solar power in the coming years as explained below.

Transition Difficulties

Moving to a new method for energy-related production usually associated with difficulties and that is the reason it is often regarded as one of the major barriers. It requires substantial cost initial expenses and a highly skilled workforce. It is also accompanied by noticeable modifications to processes and infrastructure (Creutzig and. 2017, Kabir, Kumar, Kumar and Adelodun Kim 2018,). The change may also encounter resistance that comes with the desire to keep the status as it is (McCright 2016). These issues must be considered when planning the future use for solar power.

The disadvantages of the technology as an obstacle

The shortcomings of the technology discussed above are significant. According to Li et and. (2015) these negatives, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives to energy production from renewable sources, could be a reason to consider using solar PV panels to a lesser degree. However, as outlined by Aman and others. (2015), Espinosa et al. (2016) (2015), Espinosa et al. (2016) Lewis (2016) (2015), Espinosa et al. (2016), and Lewis (2016). The development of PV is a subject which is being extensively researched; in addition, cheaper and more efficient PV cells, in addition to more eco-friendly disposal methods are being researched. Therefore, the current trends could be sustained and PV energy could actually become more popular in the future, replacing fossil fuels.

The Culture of the World, Mindset, and Climate Change Skepticism

A major factor that has slowed the development of alternative energy sources is the perception of alternative energy sources. Particularly negative attitudes stem from the skepticism regarding climate change (Creutzig and. 2017, McCright 2016, 2016. McCright, Charters, Dentzman, & Dietz, 2016) This issue is a sociocultural one. Skepticism towards climate change is seen in a variety of nations which include that of the United States and various countries of Europe (McCright 2016, 2016; McCright Dunlap, McCright, and Marquart-Pyattin 2016). McCright (2016) discovers that the issue is mostly related to the defense of the status of the game. Resistance to change could cause a problem and hinder PV cells from replacing the environmentally harmful as well as more traditional techniques for energy production.

It is worth noting it is documented (Creutzig and. 2017. McCright 2016,). In this light it appears that the main reason for skeptical views on climate change stems from the lack of understanding on the subject and is a problem that can be prevented. Additionally according to Sutterlin as well as Siegrist (2017) The solar power has a certain popularity, which is due to its relationship to the sun, which is a symbol of good luck across many cultures. But, the authors go on to say that the average people are not always aware of the beneficial as well as negative characteristics that solar energy has to offer. Also, in order to get a reasonable, meaningful and unbiased acceptance of solar power it is crucial to inform the public in this regard. It is worth noting that climate change doubters are less likely to believe environmentalists and scientists (McCright 2016, 2016). In the end, mental and sociocultural factors are likely to have an influence on how solar power is utilized and at the very least, some of them will to be obstacles.


The PV solar power is a specific method for energy production that utilizes the thermal radiation from the sun. It is a method with many advantages, that are derived from its distinct characteristics from fossil fuels. PV cells generate renewable energy, don’t utilize a limited amount of resources, and don’t emit carbon dioxide. Their environmental impact is less of a concern. In addition, PV has advantages when compared with other renewable sources. For instance PV systems do not require water usage after installation.

But PV cells aren’t environmentally sustainable. There are numerous environmental dangers that arise from their manufacture as well as their maintenance and removal. The quality of the device, PV systems aren’t cheap, and don’t offer the most rapid payback however, it’s not particularly long. In general PV solar energy, it is a viable energy source that could replace the commonly practiced environmentally harmful practices however its use can be restricted by its limitations, obstacles of change, and opinions of the general public.

Recent trends suggest that solar PV power can be utilized as a substitute for fossil fuels. This is the best option because PV cells are more efficient than traditional energy sources. PV cells also have a number of disadvantages, making them less viable and efficient than alternatives to renewable power sources. However, research on this subject continues. The future PV cells are more efficient, and they will have a lower environmental footprint. expected to be lessened because of improved recycling methods and the development of new maintenance techniques. The PV method, as every other energy source has its pros and cons. Based on the requirements of specific regions and customers it could or might not be the most suitable option.

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