Ethical Manufacturing and Technology Trends

by Anup Maurya


Today, the rapidly growing world offers the latest technology used in many areas of our lives, thereby facilitating the human workforce. It is crucial to stress the significance of the latest trends in relation to forced work and child labour and slavery. The production of ethical products aimed to eliminate discrimination against people at work appears to be a crucial way to establish ethics across all societies (Grant 86).).

Tech Trends

In the top ten most impressive technological advancements, it is possible to be interested in Sewbo the first fully automated sewing machine that produces T-shirts and other similar clothes. The sewing process is comprised of an order of steps: Sewbo cuts the fabric before it is treated by an adhesive Polymer ( Sewbo). Then, the operator grabs each piece using the help of a vacuum grip, and then places it inside the machine that sews them one at a time. Then the robot takes the completed product and then places it in the water. The process is said to be more efficient than ones performed by employees and doesn’t require the workers. In this regard, Sewbo robots are likely to take over forced labor as well as child labor, by providing greater opportunities for employers who work with the technology described above.

Another important trend is related to the agriculture industry, a large portion of which involves forced work. To be more specific in the latest technology review, “the world may need another agricultural revolution to sustain itself” (Will). The modern farmer is faced facing one of biggest global issues in terms of feeding the ever-growing global population due to changing climate conditions and decreasing arable land.

In this moment, drones could be the salvation for farmers since they are highly-tech devices capable of doing what the farmer is unable to do and that is to scan every part of the field, assessing the soil, track the health of the crops, spray fertilizers, record all required information, and then analyze it to make further decisions and timely implementation. Furthermore, drones permit to create a cartographic foundation that includes precise coordinates for each object, which will enable further visual examination of objects that have an excellent resolution.

The camera takes specific pictures of cropsusing a specific radiation. It then transmits the data to the computer. The program that analyzes it and informs the agronomist on which action to take with the particular area (Will). This process can be performed by an agronomist who would devote a whole day to it but a drone could perform this task in just one hour. Also drones are capable of automatizing every aspect of farming, decreasing the amount of human mistakes and making it easier for farmers to respond to any new threat like the beginning of drought or pests increasing the profits and increasing the return on investment.


The tech trends that have been identified can be significant in tackling the issue of forced and child labor since they are likely to yield more benefits than the labor types mentioned above. Drones can change the way we farm, and based on the positive assessment regarding the future of this sector it is possible that investors will be waiting for firms that build drones for farmers. However robots working in other fields like sewing and public services, working on factories, etc. will likely reduce and eventually end child labor and forced labor because of their productivity, efficiency and ethical standards when compared to those who work with children.

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